Now It’s Time To Let Your Creativity Shine!

There was a time when people had to go through extensive and complicated measures to showcase their creativity. There was no platform where they could display their talent and reach out to their targeted audience. But things have changed with the revolution brought about by the digital world.

Luckily, now there are multiple platforms where creative designs and products can be sold and purchased. The best part is, the process is incredibly convenient for all involved.

be creative

But of course, there’s a problem. There are countless online platforms claiming to be the best for buyers and sellers of creative content. How do you determine which one of these to trust?

For instance, Creative Market is quite a prominent platform for buying and selling hand-crafted design content like vector patterns, fonts, and icons. Similarly, you have Envato Market, where many people come together to bring their ideas and projects to life. Indeed, Envato Market is advertised as the ultimate community for creative assets and creative people. It’s natural to be confused in such a situation.

Choosing One Among The Many Options

We briefly talked about the two leading creative platforms for people. But before we elaborate more on them, let’s make it clear that there are some other options you can consider too.

There’s Theme Forest which is considered the leading marketplace for website templates. It offers themes for Magento, Joomla, and WordPress. You can create a website pretty fast using this platform.

There’s also the option of Upwork, where freelancers can communicate with prospective clients and find many creative choices. You can also consider Anthony Boyd Graphics. It’s a pretty rapidly growing platform offering advanced and high-quality textures, 3D models, and UI kits. is another interesting platform where you can hire the best talent from the freelancing marketplace. Mockups Design is another option that is counted among the leading applications offering design mockups for products and devices.


Envato Vs. Creative Market: Which One To Consider?

Although so many options are available, people continue to rely heavily on Envato and Creative Market to get the best designs. Why? What is it about these platforms that continue to win hearts? And which among them is better?

Let’s first talk a bit about Envato. It’s home to as many as eight digital marketplaces. Indeed, the platform has managed to make sales worth millions of dollars. You will find a large number of products in Envato’s database. Hence, this market will undoubtedly prove to be of immense help when you try to change your vision into a reality.

There’s more than works in favour of Envato. The market has helped innumerable people worldwide to use their creativity to earn well online. You can become a member of their community by creating an account on the platform. And once your account is set up, you can buy and sell products pretty easily.

You can think of Envato much like Amazon; only its niche is crowdsourcing sites. You can be assured of finding everything you need here.

Yes, the Envato market undoubtedly has a lot to offer. But Creative Market is not behind either. Once you learn more about this platform, you will find the balance tilting in its favour. For one thing, the platform has an incredible collection of logo templates. If that wasn’t enough, you could even tweak it to suit your preference.

Of course, you will need to learn about Photoshop and similar tools to make the changes. But once you get the hang of it, you will love what you can create with Creative Market. You will be able to use the platform to make your perfect logo in no time! The quality is pretty outstanding too.

You can find over 10,000 artists on Creative Market. Indeed, the platform has everyone from designers to developers. People use Creative Market to share and sell their beautiful work feasibly. Want to know the best part? You can even become a seller!

But Creative Market is committed to keeping a stringent quality check. Hence the approval process to become a seller is pretty thorough. All in all, you can be assured if you find an artist on this platform, he will definitely be capable of providing quality work.

This crowdsourcing website is incredibly versatile. From photographs to templates, graphic designs, fonts, and themes, you will find everything here. So many talented designers put up their products here to sell online.


Who Wins The Creative Battle?

By now, you must be pretty confused. Both Envato and Creative Market seem pretty compelling. Which one should you consider the ultimate source of creativity?

If you dig a bit deeper into these two highly popular platforms, you will realize that Creative Market has managed to surpass Envato in terms of popularity. Statistics reveal that Creative Market is mentioned more online. And if product recommendations and mentions are tracked across various platforms, Creative Market clearly wins.

Keep in mind that Creative Market isn’t entirely free of cost. However, the platform does offer weekly freebies. And you can always hope to find some highly creative fonts in these freebies. Want to know why Creative Market has an edge over other options? It’s committed to quality!

Not everyone can have their designs and products showcased on the platform. You have to undergo rigorous testing to be approved. This ensures that buyers only get access to quality work via this platform, and they don’t have to think twice before settling for anything.

Creative Market has helped talented people worldwide find the perfect platform for their products. It provides them with the opportunity to earn using their passion. The shop owners on this platform are amazing and will manage to surprise you with everything they have to offer.

Want to know something interesting? You can even use the platform to earn money when you don’t have a shop! Their affiliate marketing program is pretty lucrative.

To sum it up, Creative Market has a lot to offer. And that’s the reason it continues to climb the ranks of popularity with no signs of slowing down.

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